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Mon - Fri | 8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Impact of Supplier Diversity Programs

In the past Supplier Diversity was often seen as the “right thing to do”. While that may still be correct, we now live in a data-driven world. Supplier Diversity programs need actionable information to measure and show progress to key stakeholders, just like any other business unit.

ChicagoMSDC and Proximo, a company that specializes in data and analytics, have teamed up to bring you Proveedor, a platform that will measure the Economic Impact of your Supplier Diversity spend.

Proveedor is not an academic study on the broad economic impact of Supplier Diversity based on third-party data. The insights are about your program and your suppliers to get the most accurate picture of your Economic Impact.

You not only get insights that benefit Supplier Diversity, but can be used across the enterprise, by Public Affairs, Diversity & Inclusion, Government Affairs, Sales & Marketing, and Procurement.