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Mon - Fri | 8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Our Partners

The MSDC Global Link Partners are..

Canadian Aboriginal & Minority Supplier Council

CAMSC operates as a private sector-led, non profit membership organization governed by a board of Directors; comprised of major multinational corporations operating in Canada. The organization aims to boost economic development efforts and employment.

MSD China

MSD China is the first nationawide non-profit membership organization dedicated to enhance the development of China's minority-owned suppliers to corporations for procurement opportunities on mutually beneficial basis.

Australian and Practices

Supply Nation formerly known as AIMSC (the Australian Indigenous Minority Supplier Council) is Australia’s premier business-to-business membership body dedicated to growing diversity within the supply chain.

Minority Supplier Development UK

The UK's leading supplier diversity organisation providing a direct link between large corporate organisations and ethnic minority businesses to enable the building of commercially beneficial business relationships.

South African Supplier Diversity Council

SASDC - the leading corporate council in South Africa dedicated to promoting sustainable supplier diversity value-add, through targeted procurement and black supplier development.