Choose Minority Owned Businesses &
The Corporations That Support Them.
The #BUYDIVERSE campaign is a collective effort to activate spending by choosing minority owned businesses and the corporations that support them. As a new and quickly adopted recognition, the #BUYDIVERSE initiative gives public acknowledgment to the economic engine that will continue to propel the US economy. Every day, we have a choice to consider minority-owned firms for business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) purchases. When we move from consideration to commitment, the dynamics for civic economics will have a multiplier effect on minority communities and the entire economy.
Minority-owned businesses enrich the communities from which they come and the ones into which they are welcomed. A revenue-generating firm has a direct, indirect and induced impact on the economy, the city/market it serves, the employees, the company’s suppliers, and the community at large.
Minority-owned businesses create jobs and generate tax revenue, particularly in the areas which need them the most. With unique perspectives, minority entrepreneurs bring innovative goods and services to the marketplace. When you choose minority owned firms and the corporations who do business with them, you are investing in the future of your community.
#BuyDiverse Podcast is powered by The Chicago Minority Supplier Development Council. ChicagoMSDC connects Asian, Black, Hispanic and Native American-owned businesses with corporations and government municipalities that seek to diversify their services and intentionally support them.
Our sponsors include W3R, a Southfield, Michigan based technology staffing and consulting firm.
The ChicagoMSDC is a proud affiliate of the NMSDC. One of the country’s leading corporate membership organizations, NMSDC advances business opportunities for certified Asian, Black, Hispanic and Native American business enterprises and connects them to corporate members. If your company is not currently a part of our network, please select one of the pathways below to learn more. Feel free to call our office at 312-755-8880 when you’re ready to take action!
#BuyDiverse Podcast

#BuyDiverse is joined by President and CEO of w3r Consulting and Dr. Ken L. Harris, CEO of The National Business League

#BuyDiverse is joined by Carlos Cubia, SVP and Global Chief Diversity Officer of Walgreens

#BuyDiverse with Joe Handy, President and CEO of the National Black MBA Association

#BuyDiverse with w3r President and CEO, Eric Hardy